Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama to Vets: You're On Your Own

PrezO has announced a plan to reduce the costs of the Veteran's Administration: make combat-wounded veterans and their private insurance companies pay for the costs of their service-related injuries.

Words fail me here, Crumb Crunchers. Our brave men and women volunteer to protect this country. They endure hardships and deprivation we cannot imagine in the service of America. They are heros - every last one of them - and this is the thanks they get?

Do you grasp the implications here? Suppose you are a wounded vet. You come home, rehabilitate, and then try to find a job and get on with your life....except no one will hire you. Why? Well, because if they do, they will assume the liability for any and all medical bills you have going forward. It won't matter that your injuries were combat-related. No, the Obamastration will expect your employer and his insurance company to assume responsibility for your care.

Do you have a deducible on your health policy? Guess what...you - the honorable American veteran - will have to pay that out of your own pocket. This is beyond outrageous and cannot be tolerated.

Every veterans' group I know of is opposed to this 'plan'.
The Disabled American Veterans website has a letter sent to PrezO from numerous veterans' groups opposing this ridiculous idea...see it here. From the letter:
This proposal ignores the solemn obligation that this country has to care for those men and women who have served this country with distinction and were left with the wounds and scars of that service. The blood spilled in service for this nation is the premium that service-connected veterans have paid for their earned care.
Please contact your Representatives, Senators and the White House to express your opposition and let the veterans' groups know you support them. God Bless the American Soldier! We are the Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave and we must not allow our country to fail them.

The American Legion
American Veterans (Amvets)
Blinded Veterans Association
Disabled American Veterans
Iraq & Afganistan Veterans of America
Jewish War Veterans of the USA
Military Officers Association of America
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Vietnam Veterans of America

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