Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nick & Pete: Right Michigan Interviews Congressman Hoekstra

Our friend Nick at has a great, exclusive interview with Congressman Peter Hoekstra, who recently announced his candidacy for Governor of Michigan. Here's a taste:

RM: Fantastic. Thanks! Let's just start with the foundational issues. Where are you on second amendment rights and the right to life?

CPH: I have an unblemished record of supporting and defending second amendment rights and being pro-life. It’s all out there. My record clearly outlines my positions on such important issues. The record will also demonstrate that I have not only voted correctly but that I have been an active and outspoken advocate for these issues during my career. Nothing to guess about where I’ll be. My record is clear and strong.

Read the rest of the interview here and be sure to check out the rest of Nick's site...he was recently named one of the top state political blogs in the nation by the Washington Post. See? Even WaPo gets it right once in awhile!

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